Thanks to the community organizations and our Wasatch Latino Coalition members for sharing news and resources we can all share with our networks. We will update this post each week. If you have a resource or an event to share, please send an email to resources@wasatchlatinocoalition.org.
Update: 3-24-2021
Wasatch County COVID-19 Update March 22nd
Most Utah counties including Wasatch County are in the Moderate level of COVID-19 transmission. Below is the link to this week’s update from the Wasatch County Health Department. Some good news from the update is that anyone 16 years and older is now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. If you don’t have your vaccine yet, call 435-657-3276 and get your appointment scheduled today!
Rent Assistance Available
Utah has an Emergency Rental Assistance program to help renters who are unable to pay their rent and utilities due to circumstances related to COVID-19. See more details about this program and apply here starting March 15, 2021.
New Virtual Mental Health Services Now Available
Connect Care Behavioral Health recently launched to provide virtual psychiatric care from anywhere in Utah or Idaho. Treatment is provided for mild-to-moderate conditions of anxiety, depression, addiction, and more—including medication prescribing and management. Appointments for adults are available daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., including same-day appointments, by calling 833-442-2670.
Volunteers Needed!
The Wasatch Latino Coalition is working on a survey to gather information to help our newly created sub-committees understand the needs of our Latino community. Our goal is to collect at least 400 surveys by the end of April. If each of us could collect 5-10 surveys we could easily exceed our goal! Let us know if you have an hour or so to contact your neighbors and ask them to complete the survey or if you are a member of a community organization or group and could ask those members to complete the survey, we would really appreciate it. Right now we only have paper copies of the survey available. We are working on an online form of the survey that will be available soon. Please send an email to info@wasatchlatinocoalition.org if you can help or if you would like to complete a survey.
Upcoming Community Events
Remember to watch our Events Calendar for community events, workshops, parenting classes, support groups, and Wasatch Latino Coalition meetings. You can see a list of events on the right sidebar of our website pages or on our Events Calendar page. If you have an event you would like to share with the community, please send an email to resources@wasatchlatinocoalition.org.
Week Ending 3-5-2021
Recurso para padres latinos
El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Wasatch lo invita a conectarse a un grupo de Facebook de Recursos para Padres Latinos creado para familias del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Wasatch. Envíe un correo electrónico a Letty Hereida con cualquier pregunta: Hereidaleticia.heredia@wasatch.edu #recursosparapadreslatinos
Latino Parent Resource
The Wasatch County School District invites you to connect to a Latino Parent Resource Facebook group created for families from the Wasatch County School District. Please email Letty Hereida with any questions:
Hereidaleticia.heredia@wasatch.edu #recursosparapadreslatinos
Tech-Moms Latinas Program Set to Launch
Tech-Moms (sponsored by RizeNext) is a program designed to introduce women to the world of tech careers by helping them gain the skills, knowledge, and connections they need to thrive in today’s digital economy. Most of our applicants are women who are either looking to advance their careers by transitioning into the tech world, or those who are relaunching careers after taking time off from work. No previous tech experience is necessary.
We are pleased to announce applications are now open for a special cohort, Tech-Moms Latinas, to be launched later this year.
If you know women who might be interested, or if your organization wants to get involved in helping to diversify our tech industry here in Utah, please contact us at support@rizenext.com.
Video: Cómo completar la solicitud de DACA por primera vez
Para las personas que estén pensando en completar la solicitud #DACA por primera vez, miren un video patrocinado por el Consulado de México de Salt Lake City y grabado en español en Facebook, donde un abogado le explica paso a paso cómo completar la solicitud DACA.
Video: Filling Out The DACA Application For The First Time
For people thinking of filling out the #DACA application for the first time, watch a video sponsored by the Salt Lake City Consulate of Mexico and recorded in Spanish on Facebook, where a lawyer explains to you step by step how to fill out the DACA application.

Week Ending 2-26-2021
COVID-19 Vaccine Now Available for Age 65 and Older & Age 18 and Older with Medical Conditions.
This week the Wasatch County Health Department was able to provide the COVID-19 vaccine to Wasatch County residents who are 65 and older. Starting next week, March 1, we will be able to vaccinate people with certain medical conditions as well. Visit our website to view a list of medical conditions: coronavirus.wasatch.utah.gov/vaccine. Schedule an appointment by calling 435-657-3276
en español: Los residentes del condado de Wasatch que tienen 65 años o más califican ahora para recibir la vacuna COVID-19 a través del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Wasatch. A partir del 1 de marzo, aquellos con ciertas condiciones médicas serán elegibles para recibir la vacuna. *** Visite nuestro sitio web para ver la lista de condiciones médicas en: coronavirus.wasatch.utah.gov/vaccine. Programe una cita llamando al 435-657-3276.
Help the Library – Answer a Survey
The Wasatch County Library is creating a strategic plan to guide services for the next three years and we need your help! Whether you use the library or not, please answer this short survey. Your feedback will help us be better able to serve you!
La biblioteca del condado de Wasatch está creando un plan estratégico para guiar los servicios durante los próximos tres años y ¡necesitamos su ayuda! Ya sea que use la biblioteca o no, responda esta breve encuesta. ¡Sus comentarios nos ayudarán a poder brindarle un mejor servicio!
Tax Preparation Services
English: 801-520-8850
Español: 801-953-0737
Phone: 801-982-1102
Teléfono: 801-982-1102
Webinar: What your community needs to know about COVID-19 vaccines
Join the National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC) for a webinar on what communities need to know about the COVID-19 virus and vaccines that will help slow its spread and help save lives. The webinar, co-sponsored with the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Partnership Center and with expertise from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English), will be presented in Spanish. Sign up to attend or receive the recording. Date / Time: March 2, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. ITS T. Sign up here.
Love & Logic Classes in Spanish
Learn how to raise responsible and respectful children – without raising your blood pressure! Parent with love and logic. 6-Class Series on Mondays, March 1, 8, 22, 29, and April 5,12 at the Wasatch High School, 6-8 pm. A light dinner will be served.
- Put an end to arguing, whining, and power struggles.
- Learn how your children listen and listen the first time.
- Help your children make good decisions and be more responsible.
- Tips for ending tantrums and problems at bedtime and at mealtime.
- Make parenting fun instead of hectic.
Please call or email to reserve your spot with:
Yuri Jenson (435) 671-1196 yuri@bilingualfamilyservices.org or
Angelica Sanchez (435) 654-0640 angelica.zelaya@wasatch.edu
Story-Telling Workshops
You are cordially invited to two story-telling workshops for parents. You won’t want to miss these workshops! There will be raffles and snacks.
When: There will be two sessions, March 30 at 6:15 PM April I at 7:00 PM
Where: Wasatch County School District Office, 101 E 200 N, Heber City UT 84032
Please register at www.signupgenius. com/go/ 5080f4AA8A62FAAf £ 3-faller
Preschool Lottery Open Until March 1st
The Preschool Lottery for children ages 3-4 is open until March 1st. Morning and afternoon classes Tuesdays through Fridays. Transportation is available for students living 1.5+ miles from school. Apply online at www.wasatch.edu or stop by your neighborhood elementary school.
Wasatch County School District
101 E 200 N
Heber City UT